To get a huge amount of clicks on is pretty simple. Just go viral! I’ll give you an example. Sometime around June, there was a video going around on news websites of “K-Strass the Yo-Yo master”. It had quite a significant amount of mention on the news. So I thought, why not upload this video to YouTube and get some hits. Unluckily, I was late and the video had already been uploaded by someone else. His video was up for 3 days, and had already gotten over 67 000 000 views!!! If only 20% the people visited an link, that would still be $40 000 in 3 days. However, the person who uploaded the video did not seem to monetize the video at all, making no money... Now that guy was stupid. YOU can be different and make the $40 000 he never did. Here’s how
Get prepared. What you need is a program to download videos off websites such as “Download Helper”. You should also get a Free Screen Recorder, such as :
Also, register accounts on YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.
Start lurking around on US Breaking news websites, such as, and . You have to be very patient and wait around, until you find a good video with viral potential. Examples of videos that are guaranteed to go viral- Ghost Videos (Michael Jackson’s ghost) Live TV stuff-ups (People swearing live on air, Celebrities hitting paparazzi, “Wardrobe malfunctions” ).
So just wait around until a video like this pops up on one of the news websites. It may take a while to find a good lead, you may have to wait several days. Bookmark the “Breaking News” sites and check back occasionally.
Got your video? Now it is time to act FAST. Try downloading the video using “Download Helper”. If it doesn’t work, what you have to do is record the video with your screen recorder. (Make sure the volume is right if you are recording). Now upload the video onto YouTube. Make sure you have a good title, description and tags.
Got your video? Now it is time to act FAST. Try downloading the video using “Download Helper”. If it doesn’t work, what you have to do is record the video with your screen recorder. (Make sure the volume is right if you are recording). Now upload the video onto YouTube. Make sure you have a good title, description and tags.
Submit your video to Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.
Take a break. You don’t need to do anything for the next few hours.
Now, check back on your video. If everything is working well as planned, you should have a few thousand views. If not, try and submit to more websites similar to
Wait a few more hours.
You should be getting thousands and thousands of hits by now. Links to your video should already be posted on Digg, StumbleUpon, and . You should be getting a steady flow of a few hundred views a minute now. So now it is time to monetize your video.
Find out what it is you want to link to. For example, a news story, Facebook group or anything related to your video. For this example, I will just choose a news article.
STEP 10:
Create an link and mask it with URL HIDER! Masking the URL is VERY important.
STEP 11:
Now, create an annotation all through the video. To do this, click on “Edit Video” and click “annotations”. Place the annotation at the bottom of the video.
An example of an annotation would be - Is Michael Jackson really dead? See the shocking new proof at the link in the description!!!!
That’s All! Remember, no one got rich reading guides! Don’t be lazy and follow my instructions! 100% guaranteed
That’s All! Remember, no one got rich reading guides! Don’t be lazy and follow my instructions! 100% guaranteed
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